Submisson Guidelines

Call for Papers

  • Researchers are invited to submit abstracts for oral and poster presentation. Refer to the guidelines for abstract submission given below.
  • Submissions will be peer-reviewed, and intimated for acceptance.
  • Selected papers will be published in the Scopus indexed journal.
  • All accepted abstracts will be published in Conference Proceedings.
  • Awards for Best Oral and Poster Presentations

Important Dates

Abstract Submission (Regular)

10January 2025

Intimation of Acceptance (Regular)

15January 2025

Full Paper Submission

15January 2025

Instructions for Poster Presentation

The topic should be relevant to the thrust area.

Posters should be prepared in PORTRAIT format and with presentation text in English.

The title of the poster should cover the full width of the poster; bold letter Times New Roman and font size 14 should be used. Letters must be readable from a distance of 3 feet.

The name(s) of the author(s), address (es) should be written below the title in small letters.

Figures and diagrams must be simple and self-explanatory.

Corresponding authors will be notified about the day, time, and venue for the display. The presenting author must be present during the display of the poster.

One author can present only one poster.

Abstracts not complying with any of the above conditions will not be accepted.

The time given to present the poster will be 5 minutes and 2 minutes for a question session.

Poster Submission Image

Instructions for Oral Presentation

The topic should be relevant to the thrust area.

The topic presented by the presenting author should be their research work.

Abstracts not complying with any of the above conditions will not be accepted.

The time given to present the poster will be 8 minutes and 2 minutes for a question session.

Oral Presentation Image
Parul University